GSVM Medical College

Department of Dentistry

Faculty Members Of Dentistry

Dr. Ashrafullah

Professor & H.O.D.

Dr. Pankaj Kumar Srivastava


Dr. Shishir Dhar

Associate Professor

Mission Statement of the department

To inculcate skills, ethics and values among students. To provide safe, affordable, accessible and evidence based oral health services in order to improve the oral health related quality of life of the community. To promote use of technology and foster national competency among students.

Recent papers published by the department-

  • Socio Demographic confounder of Oral Cancer.(International Journal of pharmaceutical and clinical research)
  • Stylalgia & Styloidectomy (Journal of Maxillofacial & Oral Surgery).
  • A prospective study on Autotransplantation of Mandibular third molars with complete root formation (Craniomaxillo facial trauma & reconstruction .
  • Findings in COVID- 19 cases and protocols to be followed in dental operatories.( Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth)




