GSVM Medical College

Department of ENT

Faculty Members Of ENT

Dr. S.K Kanaujia

Professor & Head

Dr. Harendra Kumar Gautam


Dr. Amrita Srivastava

Associate Professor

Dr. N.S Saxena

Associate Professor

Dr. Pawan Kaul

Assistant Professor

Dr. Astha Singh

Assistant Professor

Mission Statement of the department

ENT department is a well-equipped, 60 bedded unit, working with the objective to provide the best medical facilities to the people in and around Kanpur through the team of 6 highly experienced ENT surgeons. We also intend to train young budding doctors into competent, empathetic ENT surgeons capable of dealing with all elective and emergency situations.

The department offers the following services


    • Microscopic ear surgery
    • Endoscopic nasal and skull base surgery
    • Microlaryngeal surgery
    • Cochlear implant
    • Thyroid & Head Neck surgery

    We provide Audio Vestibular assessment facilities by

    • Pure tone Audiometry (PTA)
    • Impedance Audiometry
    • BERA
    • OAE

The department also offers the following specialty clinics to the patients

  • Head Neck clinic
  • Rhinology clinic
  • Geriatric clinic
  • Vertigo clinic
  • Tinnitus clinic

The department is well equipped with advanced instruments like Operating microscopes, Microdebrider, Facial
nerve monitor, flexible nasopharyngoscope, etc required for the diagnostic and surgical management of
various ENT diseases.
The department has always stood at the forefront in offering both medical and surgical treatment for patient’s
well being. Emergency and elective surgeries are done with all necessary precautions on regular basis.

OPD: ~ 200/day
Emergency: 3-5 cases/day
OPD Procedures and Minor OT: 20-25 cases/day
Major OT: 5-7 cases/OT


Department is proud to inform that we are an approved centre for COCHLEAR IMPLANT surgeries under UP
state government run Divyangjan Sashaktikaran scheme.


  • The department is awarding MS ENT degree to 6 students from academic year 2017-18, which is highest number for any state medical college.
  • Well-equipped 4 station Temporal bone lab is available for PG training purposes.
  • In our continuous efforts to stay updated, the faculty and residents are doing research and publishing papers in both national and international journals.
  • Residents are involved in research work and they document that work in the form of thesis.
  • Diploma in Audiology and Speech Language course is being run in the department with 25 sanctioned seats.

Research activities:

Publications for the last 3 years
  • Sanjay Kumar Sharma, H. K. Gautam, S.K. Kanaujia, Amrita Srivastava, N.S. Saxena, Shailendra Kumar Gautam and Shiroman Singh. A Comparative Study of Conventional Curettage Adenoidectomy versus Endoscopic Microdebrider assisted Adenoidectomy in children. Saudi J Otorhinolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2021; 23:71-4.
  • H.K.Gautam, Shalani Tripathi, Amrita Srivastava, Ruchika. Loss of Smell/Taste is a Potential Indicator of a Mild case of COVID-19-A Retrospective Institutional Study. Int J Otorhinolaryngol Head Neck Surg.2021;7(11):1734-1737.
  • Sharma A, Kanaujia SK,Kaushik S, Srivastava A. Neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio as a prognostic tool for the evaluation of laryngeal carcinoma. Int J Otorhinolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2021;7:627-32.
  • Vivek Kumar Kesarwani, Harendra Kumar Gautam, S.K.Kanaujia, A.K. Purwar, Shiroman Singh and Amrita Srivastava. Evaluation of outcome of ossiculoplasty with and without an intact malleus.Int J Otorhinolaryngol Head Neck Surg.2021;7(11):1734-1737
  • Srivastava A, Shukla V, Daftary GV. Targeting the pathophysiology of chronic rhinosinusitis with systemic enzyme therapy: a narrative review. Int J Otorhinolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2022;8(7):1-7.
  • Singh R, Gautam HK, Kanaujia SK , Singh P , Singh S , Saxena NS , Srivastava A. A Prospective Study To Evaluate The Outcome Of Flexible Endoscopic Injection Thyroplasty In Patients Of Vocal Fold Paralysis. U.P. Journal otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery.2022; 1(10):23-27.
  • Nishant Saurabh Saxena , Amrita Srivastava , Madhu Yadav , S.K.Kanaujia , H. K. Gautam Shalani Tripathi,Shaleem Khan and Tripti Agrwal. Treatment outcome of 2nd wave of post-covid-19 Rhino- orbital-cerebral mucormycosis (ROCM) – A retrospective institutional study. Pan Arab Journal of Rhinology. 2023 ;12:14-18.
  • Azme Zehra, Harendra Kumar Gautam, S. K. Kanaujia, Amrita Srivastava,Arvind Kumar,Awadhesh Kumar, Chandra Shekhar Singh, Shiroman Singh,A. K. Purwar. Irreversible Sensorineural Hearing Loss in Post Covid‑19 Patients—An Institutional Prospective Study. Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg.
  • Mayank Gupta, Amrita Srivastava, Preeti Kanaujia,S. K. Kanaujia, Harendra Kumar Gautam, N.S. Saxena, Ashok Verma, Shiroman Singh. Assessment of Nasal Obstruction in Patients Undergoing Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery.. Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. (2023).
  • Vertika Twari,Vaibhav srivastava,Harendra Kumar, Ramanand Yadav, ,Cytological Profile of Thyroid Nodule, A Tale of two cities from most populated state of India at the World Congress on Thyroid Cancer,London,England,June 15-17,2023
  • Ruchika, Harendra Kumar Gautam, S.K.Kanaujia, Mahendra Singh , A.K. Purwar A.K.Arya, Shiroman Singh and Amrita Srivastava. Role of platelet rich plasma in sensory neural hearing loss.Int J Otorhinolaryngol Clin. 2023;15(1):38–41

Research work completed in the year 2023

  • To study sudden irreversible hearing loss in post COVID – 19 patients
  • Diagnostic efficacy of Otoacoustic Emission (OAE) and Brainstem Evoked Response Audiometry (BERA) in childhood deafness
  • Assessment of nasal obstruction in patients undergoing Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (FESS)
  • Assessment of estrogen and progesterone level and its link to olfactory sensitivity in COVID – 19 infection recovered subjects
  • To determine and compare efficacy of microscopic and endoscopic interventions in diagnosing and managing Squamosal Chronic Otitis Media
  • To study the Eustachian tube dysfunction in cases of sinonasal pathology and to find out the extent of improvement post surgery

Ongoing research work:

  • To Study The Incidence Of Sensorineural Hearing Loss And Its Correlation With Coronary Artery Disease
  • Hearing Status In Children With Nephrotic Syndrome
  • To Study The Severity Of Hearing Loss And Associated Risk Factors In Children Presenting With Speech Language Delay
  • Radio Pathological Study Of Mastoid Antral Changes In Mucosal Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media
  • To Study The Incidence Of Sensorineural Hearing Loss And Its Correlation With Preexisting Thyroid Diseases.
  • Assessment Of Hearing Status In Gestational Diabetes Mellitus And Non Diabetic Pregnant Females: A Comparative Study
  • Comparison Of Efficacy Of Intralesional Triamcinolone Versus Intralesional Triamcinolone With Hyaluronidase In Vocal Cord Polyp
  • Occupational noise induced hearing loss among industrial workers in Kanpur.
  • Assessment of the change in pulmonary function test (PFT) in patients undergoing FESS for chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyposis
  • Endoscopic and radiological finding in patients of chronic rhinosinusitis – a comparative study.
  • The efficacy of platelet rich plasma with temporalis fascia and temporalis fascia alone in Type I Tympanoplasty

CME/ Workshops

  • 2 days Ear and Nose surgery workshop on 21 and 22 Feb 2015
  • 1 day Live cadaveric workshop was organized in 36 th chapter UPAOICON in November 2018
  • 1 day Thyroid Update workshop is scheduled in the month of November.


  • The department plans to develop a skill lab for the residents to have hands on experience of complex skull base and inner ear surgeries.
  • We plan to work towards building of a Cochlear Implant Institute within the campus of GSVM with all facilities so that the child does not have to suffer and live in equality with others.
  • To establish Trans Oral Robotic Surgery centre.




