GSVM Medical College

Department of Neurology

Department of Neurology

It was in the year 1984 that a separate unit of Neurology was created in the Department of Medicine. Prof. K. K. Sikka ward in the Department of Medicine was earmarked for the neurology unit.In the year 2009 Dr Navneet Kumar Principal & Dean joined as Prof. & year 2016 Dr. Alok Verma joined as Head of Department of Neurology and under his leadership the department started functioning full-fledged with great enthusiasm and inspiration similar to department of Neurology in SGPGI, KGMC, RML, UPUIMS Safai. The department focuses on Academic excellence and Publications each year with a team of senior faculties and senior and junior resident doctors. The resident doctors under Medicine Department also get an opportunity for Neurology Rotation.

The first Neuroscience centre of Uttar Pradesh was started in GSVM Medical College in 2016 which offers facilities for both Neurology and Neurosurgery. The department runs in the well-equipped Neuroscience building which offers 100 beds for patients with separate wards for Male and Female patients to ensure and respect privacy and maintain the dignity of patients. The department supports Ayushman Bharat Yojana to provide free treatment to patients living below Poverty line.

The GSVSSPGI (PMSSY block) inaugurated in the year 2022 is a fully functional state of the art facility with 30 beds besides an OPD load of approximately 250-300 patients every day.

    • The department provides the major reception to neurological disorders of all types in the region. It has 66 beds including 6 HDU Strock Unit beds.
    • A full-fledged Natus & Clarity unit provides 26 Channel EEG and 26 Channel Video EEG.
    • A full-fledged Natus NCV Machine.
    • Fully equipped physiotherapy and speech therapy units were established for outdoor and indoor patients. This facility is provided free of cost.

Vc Neuro-Critical Care

    • A dedicated 06 bedded neuro-critical care unit was started in January 22 with 3 Senior resident (DM Neurology resident) on duty round the clock under guidance of faculty to provide intensive care to common neurological disorders like strokes, ruptured aneurysms, brain and spinal cord injury from trauma, status epilepticus, infections of the brain (encephalitis) and the brain’s or spine’s meninges (meningitis) and weakness of the muscles required to breathe (such as the diaphragm) All modern advanced facilities like Pacing, ABG, ventilators and monitoring(connected to a central console) available.

Botulium Toxin Clinic

  • Regular session of Botulinum Toxin in Movement Disorders and spasticity are held once in every month . Here patients of Blepharospasm, Hemifacial spasm, writer’s cramp, post stroke spasticity and other spastic disorders are injected Botulinum Toxin. On an average 05-10 patients are benefited from this facility every month.

Faculty Members Of Neurology

Dr. Alok Verma

Professor & HOD

Dr. Sanjeev Jetli

Assistant Professor

Dr. Nikhil Kumar sahu

Assistant Professor

Dr. Animesh Gupta

Assistant Professor

Dr. Abhishek Sachan

Assistant Professor

Dr. Varsha Ambwani

Assistant Professor




