GSVM Medical College

Department of obstetrics & gynaecology

Faculty Members Of Obstetrics & Gynaecology


Professor & Head(DR.)






Professor (DR.)




Associate Professor


Associate Professor


Associate Professor


Associate Professor


Associate Professor


Associate Professor


Associate Professor


Assistant Professor


Assistant Professor


Assistant Professor


Assistant Professor


Assistant Professor


We strive to be the leaders in obstetric, gynecologic, and reproductive health for women of all ages in the local and global communities through excellence in clinical care, education, and research. Our mission is to:
  • Promote the highest standard of obstetric, gynecologic, and reproductive health through personalized clinical care based on the latest research and innovation
  • Create future leaders in obstetric, gynecologic, and reproductive health and enhance life-long learning for all health professionals in our community through thoughtful and innovative education
  • Conduct research that provides evidence to expand the boundaries of our knowledge, and to inform the practice and improve the quality of obstetric, gynecological , and reproductive healthcare.
Obs and gynae services and programmes:
  • Modern OPD with electronic token system
  • Antenatal Testing Unit
  • High-Risk Pregnancy
  • Labor & Delivery
  • Fully equipped high risk pregnancy and post natal ward
  • Cancer speciality OPD (Pap smear, Colposcopy, LEEP, Cancer surgeries and HPV Vaccination)
  • Menopause speciality OPD(BMD Testing)
  • Adolescent speciality clinic and periodic school camps for prevention and treatment of anaemia
  • Endocrine speciality clinic
  • Follow up OPD
  • Infertility OPD and IUI with semen processing in department,/li>
  • PRP preparation in department for various indications
  • Major gynaecological surgeries, infertility surgeries and laproscopic assisted surgeries
  • Online discharge facility
  • Family planning, contraceptives beneficiaries and ligation services
  • Strengthned JSY Services
Teaching – Courses and Trainings:
  • UG teaching: long clinic, tutorials, demonstration, lectures
  • PG teachings: bedside teachings, seminar, case presentation, journal club, guest lectures
  • CeMONC ( Comprehensive Emergency Obstetric and Newborn Care Services)
  • RRTC (Regional resource and training services)
  • SIFPSA training (State Innovations in Family Planning Services Project Agency)
  • Cesarean audit
  • Monthly Maternal mortality review meeting
  • Monthly Perinatal mortality review meeting
Goals/targets set for year 2023-24
  • Construction of modular OT
  • To have functional 8 bedded HDU exclusively dedicated for high risk Obs. & Gynae. Care
  • Upgradation of infertility services and starting of IVF unit in our department.
  • To increase functional beds from 235 to 300 for better patient care.
  • To extend family planning services for averting maternal mortality services and decreasing population explosion.
  • To achieve the highest level of patient care to achieve the standards to the level of central institute/ PGI/ AIIMS.


  • To assess urinary misfolded protein by different tests and its efficacy for predicting and diagnosing pre eclampsia
  • A multicentre double blind randomised parallel group active controlled phase III clinical rial to assess efficacy and safety of elagolix in comparison to dienogest for treatment of moderate to severe pain associated endometriosis
  • National Registry on COVID-19 Infection among pregnant women and their neonates
  • A prospective, multicentric, single arm, phase IV study to assess the safety and efficacy of Dienogest tablets in cc management of pelvic pain associated with endometriosis
  • A phase III randomised open label parallel growth active controlled, comparative, multicentric clinical study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of Mifepristone 10 mg and 25 mg tablets compared with leuprolide acetate 3.75 mg intramuscular injection in the preoperative treatment of moderate to severe symptomatic uterine fibroids
  • A phase III, prospective, multicentric, clinical study in the measurement of pregnancy induced cholestasis to evaluate the efficacy and safety of ursodeoxycholic acid (Udiliv) tablets (Picture study)
  • Clinical testing of smartphone based fluorescence spectroscopic device for cervical precancer diagnosis
  • Every year 18 thesis topics allotted

CME / WORKSHOPS organized

  • Emergency obstetrics workshop and drill at WWNATCON national conference , 20 may 2023
  • CME on Basic of laparoscopy
  • CME on semen preparation and IUI techniques
  • CME on ENBC and NBR
  • CME on prescription writing
  • CME on research methodology

Ongoing Trainings

  • CEmONC
  • RRTC
  • SIFPSA funded training of various contraceptive and abortion services including lap ligation and minilap ligation


1) Is low dose Magnisium sulfate regimen a better option for treatment of hypertensive
disease of pregnancy? Our experience at tertiary care centre.Shaily Agarwal, Renu
Gupta, Kiran Pandey ,Neena Gupta,Pavika Lal, Madhvi Verma .International Journal of
Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2020; 4 (1): 313-317
2) Prevalence, risk factor and awareness about HCV infection in pregnant women in
tertiary care center in north India. Dr Renu Gupta, Dr Rashmi Kumari , Dr Shaily Agarwal ,
Dr Kiran Pandey , Dr Neena Gupta , Dr Pavika Lal . Global Journal of Medical Research E
Gynaecology and Obstetrics volume 20 issue 1 version 1.0 year 2020. ISSN 2249-4618
print ISSN 0975 – 5888.
3) Dr Pavika Lal, Dr Kiran Pandey, Dr Shaily Agarwal, Renu Gupta, Garima Gupta A
review of cases of peripartum hysterectomies; five years experience at tertiary Care
centre in North india. Indian Obstetrics and gynecology Vol 10 Jan -March 2020
4) Correlation between arterial blood has analysis and occurrence and severity of PPH Dr
kiran Pandey, dr priyanka Singh dr shaily Agarwal Indian Obstetrics and gynecology vol
10 no. 3 july -sep 2020
5) Gupta R, Saha A et al.Study of knowledge and practices of menstrual hygiene among
reproductive age group females in a rural medical college hospital in UP. International
Journal of Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2020 ; 4(1) : 209-212.
6) Agrawal S, Gupta R, Verma M et al. Is low dose Magnesium sulfate regimen a better
option for treatment of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy : Our experience at tertiary
care centre.. International Journal of Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2020; 4 (1):
213-217 .
7) Gupta R¸Kumari R et al. Prevalence, risk factors and awareness about HCV infection in
pregnant women in tertiary care center in North India. Global Journal of Medical
Research E Gynaecology and Obstetrics ; Volume 20 Issue 1 Version 1.0 year 2020. ISSN
2249-4618 print ISSN 0975 – 5888.
8) Gupta N, Gupta R , Bais A . Comparative study of different oral iron preparations in
gynaecological and postnatal patients. International Journal of Clinical Obstetrics and
Gynaecology 2020 ; 4(4) : 330-332 .
9) Lal P, Pandey K , Gupta R. A review of cases of peripartum hysterectomies; five years
experience at tertiary Care centre in North India. Indian Obstetrics and Gynaecology Jan
-March 2020 , vol.10 Issue 1, p14-18 . 5p.

10) Dr. Ruchika Tahilyani, Dr. Kiran Pandey, Dr. Neena Gupta, Dr. Bandana Sharma, Dr.
Pavika Lal. Can cerebroplacental ratio overcome the gaps present in the tests of
antepartum foetal surveillance in improving the perinatal outcome?. Int J Clin Obstet
Gynaecol 2019;3(5):17-21. DOI: 10.33545/gynae.2019.v3.i5a.324
11) Uterine cavity evaluation in infertile patients with transvaginal sonography, saline
infusion sonography and hysteroscopy Neena Gupta1*, Seema Dwivedi1, G. N.
Dwivedi2, Bandana Sharma1, Pragati DOI:
12) Dr. Bandana Sharma, Dr. Amrita Singh, Dr. Saba Aafrin, Dr. Khalida Usmani. Fetal
heart tracing and colour doppler: A comparative analysis with respect to maternal and
neonatal outcome. Int J Clin Obstet Gynaecol 2020;4(1):359-364. DOI:
13) Study of association of socio-demographic characteristics with the knowledge about
sex determination and preconception and prenatal diagnostic techniqueact among
pregnant womenSeema Dwivedi,Garima Gupta*,Sudha Kumari, Bandana Sharma
14) A comparative study of efficacy and side effects of nifedipine with nifedipine along
with dydrogesterone in management of preterm labor Sapna Singh, Preeti Tyagi, Deepak
Anand, Nitika Gupta, Rashmi Gupta 1670-1674 2023-05-26
15) Impact of COVID 19 in antenatal patient with gestational diabetes mellitus and vice a
versa: a retrospective study Sapna Singh, Preeti Tyagi, Rashmi Gupta, Deepak Anand,
Sandhya Yadav 4140-4143 2021-10-27
16) Assessment of knowledge and practice regarding menstrual hygiene among
adolescent girls in government school of Kanpur Nagar: a descriptive cross-sectional
study Sapna Singh, Preeti Tyagi, Deepak Anand, Rashmi Gupta 1412-1415 2022-02-28
17) An assessment of knowledge regarding breast cancer among educated women in
Kanpur Nagar, Uttar Pradesh, India Sapna Singh, Deepak Anand, Preeti Tyagi, Rashmi
Gupta 780-784 2023-01-27
18) Assesement of knowledge, attitude and practices towards preventive aspects of
breast cancer in females in Kanpur, Dr. Pavika Lal, Dr. Renu Gupta, Dr. Garima Gupta, Dr.
Shaily Agarwal, Dr. Divya Dwivedi, Dr. Nitika Gupta International journal of
Reproduction, gynaecology and obstetrics
19) Study of association of socio-demographic characteristics with the knowledge about
sex determination and preconception and prenatal diagnostic technique act among
pregnant women Seema Dwivedi, Garima Gupta, Sudha Kumari, Bandana Sharma 3164-
3168 2021-07-26
20) Salivary uric acid as a non-invasive marker of early onset preeclampsia Shaily
Agarwal, Divya Dwivedi, Renu Gupta, Garima Gupta, Pavika Lal, Neha 1061-1065 2023-

21) Role of sildenafil citrate therapy in early onset fetal growth restriction. JOSAF.
22) Evaluation of spot urinary albumin creatinine ratio as a screening tool in prediction
of Preeclampsia. Dr Shaily Agarwal, Dr Pratibha Devi Dr Renu Gupta, Dr Pratima Verma ,
Dr Apurva Agarwal. The New Indian Journal of OBGYN 2022;8(2):269-72
23) Use of intravenous ferric carboxy maltose ; A revolutionary approach for Iron
Deficiency Anemia in antenatal women. Dr Renu Gupta, Dr Palika Lal, Dr Shaily Agarwal ,
Dr Anita Gond. Global Journal of Medical Research (E)volume XXI issue 11 version 1 year
24) Predicting risk and prognosis of Preeclampsia by evaluating platelet indices. Dr Shaily
Agarwal, Dr Renu Gupta, Dr Divya Dwivedi, Dr Chaynika Kala, Dr MrinaliniSingh .
IJROG;2022Sep ;11(9):2442-2447.
25) Saha A , Thomas D , Gupta R , et al. Why a third child ? A study for evaluation of
factors and determinants responsible for third child in a rural medical college hospital in
UP , India. International Journal of Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2021 ; 5(6) : 238-
242 .
26) Gupta R , Lal P , Gond A . Use of intravenous Ferric Carboxy maltose ; A
revolutionary approach for Iron Deficiency Anaemia in antenatal women.Global Journal
of Medical Research (E) volume XXI Issue 11 version 1 year 2021.
27) Agarwal S , Devi P , Gupta R et al . Evaluation of spot urinary albumin -creatinine
ratio as a screening tool in prediction of Preeclampsia . The New Indian Journal of
OBGYN . 2022 ; 8(2) : 269 – 272 .
28) Agarwal S , Gupta R , Singh M et al . Predicting risk and prognosis of Preeclampsia by
evaluating platelet indices. Int Journal of Reproduction , Contracept Obstet Gynecol ,
2022 Sep ; 11 (9) : 2442-2447.
29) Tripathi S , Gupta R , et al . First trimester uterine rupture-a rare but catastrophic
event: A case report. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol. 2023 Jun ; 12 (6) : 1932 –
30) Lal P , Gupta R , Gupta Nitika et al . Assessment of knowledge, attitude and practices
towards preventive aspects of breast cancer in females in Kanpur. International Journal
of Reproduction, Gynaecology and Obstetrics 2023;5(1):10-15.
31) **Comparative study of different *oral iron preparation* *in gynecological and
postnatal patients.** International journal of clinical obstetrics and gynecology
2020;4(4) :330-332.

32) ** A prospective longitudinal study on prevalence and risk factors of* *glucose
intolerance during pregnancy at tertiary care center* in North Indian population. IJAR
2020;10(3) :79-80.

33). ** Impact of government schemes on maternal health: An observational* *study in
a tertiary care hospital in North India. Indian journal of applied research* 2021; 11(11):

34). **Role of magnesium sulphate as a tocolytic in preterm and its effect on maternal
health* .* Indian obstetrics & gynecology. 2021; 11(1):9-12.

35). *Comparative evaluation of vaginoscopic vs traditional hysteroscopy.* World
journal of laparoscopic surgery. 2021; 14(2) : 98-101.

36). *Comparative evaluation citrate alone and clomiphene citrate and sildenafil citrate
for treatment of infertility* *and it's outcome* .* Annals of R.S.C.B. 2021; 25(2) :4475-

37). Depot medroxy progesteone acetate as contraceptive: study at tertiary care centre*
. Int. J Reprod Contracept obstet gynecol 2022 may; 11(5): 1491-1495.

38). A comparative study of prevelance of vitamin D deficiency in adolescent girls and
it's correlation with PCOS.2023; 13(6): 1-3.

39). Study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of atosiban in preterm labour in north
Indian population.2023; 7(3): 371-375.

40). *Role of magnesium sulphate as a neuroprotective agent on neonatal outcome in
preterm deliveries.Int. J Reprod Contracept obstet gynecol.2023; 12(3): 658-664.

41). Correlation of* *sildenafil supplementation with umbilical artery Doppler indices
and perinatal outcome in patients of IUGR.* Indian Obstetrics and Gynecology

42). Evaluation of age, anti mullerian hormone and antral follicle count for assessing
ovarian reserve in infertile women. (Accepted for publication in New Indian journal of

43) Maternal Deaths and Near Miss Obstetrics Events in a Tertiary Care Centre: A Five
Year Retrospective Study Divya Dwivedi Tripathi', Neena Gupta', Ankita Bais', Pavika Lal',
Garima Gupta' International Journal of Research and Review Vol.7; Issue: 2; February
44) Predicting risk and prognosis of Preeclampsia by evaluating platelet indices. Dr Shaily
Agarwal, Dr Renu Gupta, Dr Divya Dwivedi, Dr Chaynika Kala, Dr Mrinalini Singh.
45) Depot Medroxy Progesterone acetate as contraceptive : study at tertiary care
centre* . Int. J Reprod Contracept obstet gynecol 2022 may: 11(5): 1491-1495 Dr Neena
Gupta, Dr Divya Dwivedi, Dr Neha Sharma, Dr Uruj Jahan
1. Workshop manual – “updates in clinical practices – basket for beginners”,
AICOG2020 , article on “transfer of critically ill patients “
2. Chapter on PPE in book Essentials of Covid 19 for Anaesthesiologists.
3. Chapter titled “Tuberculosis in Pregnancy “ in book Medical Disorders in
Pregnancy by CBS Publishers.

4. Chapter “ Lifestyle and Menopause “ in book Management of Menopause by
Springer (In the Process).




