GSVM Medical College

Department of ophthaamology

Faculty Members Of internal Medicine

Dr. Shalini Mohan

Prof. & H.O.D.

Dr. Perwez Khan


Dr. Parul Singh

Associate professor

Dr. Preeti Gupta

Assistant professor

Dr. Namrata Patel

Assistant professor

Dr. Surbhi Agrawal

Assistant professor

Dr. Kanchan Kiran

Assistant professor

Dr. Sneha Ranjan

Assistant professor

Recent papers published by the department

Dr. Shalini Mohan
ltraSound bio microscopic assessment of angle parmeters. in patients with primary angle closure glaucoma undergoing phacoemulsification. 2011 European general of Ophthalmology Malignant Glaucoma after intracameral iso expansile perflouropropane temponade for the management of accute corneal Hydrops 2010 Cornea 23(7): 838-9. Can myopia be reversed? – A study on the role of atropine eyedrops in arresting myopia progression, 2022, Tropical Journal of Medical Research 6(6):114-120, DOI:10.17511/jooo.2021.i06.021 Infectious crystalline keratopathy, Nepal J Ophthalmol 2022; Vol 14(28):143-9 RAPD as a clinical alert for early evidence of dysthyroid optic neuropathy. J Family Med Prim Care. 2022 Jan;11(1):370-375. doi: 10.4103/jfmpc.jfmpc_1298_21. ND YAG Laser cystostomy for iris cyst with secondary angle closure Glaucoma following phacoemulisification . Delhi journal of Pubmed Pubmed Google Scholar /Index Copernicus Pubmed Pubmed Google Scholar /Index Copernicus pubmed PubMed ophahalmology Glaucoma : simplified for practitioners. 2022 JIMA COMPARATIVE STUDY BETWEEN TRABECULECTOMY WITH MITOMYCIN C TO TRABECULECTOMY WITH OLOGEN IMPLANT 2023 ; IJAR; 13: 1-3 Case Series of Unilateral cenetral retinal artery occlusion in patients of RHINO-ORBITAL- CEREBRAL Mucormycosis occuring in post covid diabetic patients. 2021 IJAR 1-3 Hypertensive phase of Ahmed Glaucoma valve in Juvenile onset Glaucoma of Sturge- weber syndrome 2012 (3):226 clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology Scanning Laser ophthalmoscopy in an elderly Indian population2018 : Ophthalmic Epidemiology2018 ; 25:5-6 Management pf tube Explosure Following Ahmed Glaucoma valve implantation by Allograft Corneoscleral Rim Patch.2018. Journal of Glaucoma 28(4):1 Effects of Valsalva Manoeuver on Glaucoma Pubmed Pubmed Pubmed PubMed Pubmed PubMed google scholar/ Index Copernicus Patients Study of Vascular Hypothesis Original Research Paper Ophthalmology .J. Glaucoma 2018 : 28(4): 1 Comparative Analysis of Efficacy and safety of fixed versus the free Equivalent Combination of 1% Brinzolamide and 0.5% Timolol in Glaucoma Patients: A prospective Observational Study. June 2021 IJPER Role of Oral Vitamin “C” on Astigmatic errors in phacomulsification. 2020 Current Eye research 45(10) Comparison of ultrasound biomicroscopy and gonioscopy features of angle in pre and post laser peripheral iridotomy patients of primary angle closure glaucoma . 2012 Delhi Journal of Ophthalmology 24(1) Scleral buckling induced ocular parameter changes in different age group patients of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment. 2017 Taiwan journal of Ophthalmology. Epidemiology, clinical profile, management and outcome of COVID-19 associated rhino-orbitalcerbral mucormycosis in 2826 patients in India Pubmed pubmed Pubmed google scholar/ Index Copernicus Pubmed Pubmed Pubmed pubmed – Collaborative OPAI-IJO study on mucormycosis in COVID-19(COSMIC) 2021; IJO ; 4-7 Study on visual outcome , visual recovery time , recurrence complications in patients of central serous retinopathy treated with and without early double frequency Nd-YAG laser photocoagulation 2013 clinical & experimental ophthalmology 4(02) Clinical objective dry eye tests in a population of tannery workers in North India. 2016 Ophalmic Epidemology. 23(5): 339-343 Immunological basis of symptomatology in ocular diseases 2021 Delhi journal of Ophthalmology 28 (3) a questionaire-based survey of dry eye disease among leather tannery workers in kanpur, India: A case-control study. 2014 Cutaneous and Ocular Toxicology. 33(4): 265-269 Phacoemulsification in a rare case of Alport`s syndrome 2013. Seminars in Ophthalmology 29(4) Amniotic membrane transplantation. 2009. Pubmed google scholar/ Index Copernicus PubMed google scholar/ Index Copernicus pubmed PubMed google scholar/index copernicus pubmed British journal of Ophthalmology. To compare and evaluate the surgically induced astigmatism in 2.2mm and 2.75mm clear corneal temporal sutureless incision phacoemulsification. 2008 Clinical and experimental ophthalmology 36 Clinical comparison of Pulsair non-contact tonometer and Goldmann applanation tonometer in indian populaton. 2013 journal of optometry. 7(2) 86-90 Evaluation of retinal nerve fibre layer thickness parameters in myopic population using scanning laser polarimetry 2008 clinical and experimenta ophthalmology 36 (1); A 60- A61 effect of topical mitomycin C on corneal endothelium 2008 American journal of Ophthalmology Study of biometric parameters in family members of PACG patients.2008 journal of glaucoma Use of trypan blue to assess filtration function in eyes udergoing cataract surgery with operated trabeculectomy. 2008 clinical and Pubmed google scholar/ Index Copernicus pubmed pubmed google scholar/ index copernicus experimenta ophthalmology 32- : A249 Effect of brinzolamide in ocular hemodynamics in glaucoma patients2021 ; international journal of drug research and technology (7); 1-113 To study the role of suprachoroidal injection triamcinolone in non-infectious uveitis2023; international journal of scientific reasearch Evaluation of UBM parameters after cataract surgery in primary angle closure glaucoma. 2008 clinical and experimental ophthalmology 32 A 248 Evaluation of dark room prone provocative test in family members of primary angle clousure glaucoma patients.2007; Eye Management of acute cornial Hydrops Secondary to Keratoconus with intracameral injection of sulfer Hexafluroide. 2007 ; Cornea Clinical application of ultrasound biomicroscopy in Glaucoma. 2007 Delhi journal of ophtjalmology.
Dr. Perwez K
Clinical objective dry eye test in a population of tannery workers in |North India. Study to evaluate stress among ophthalmic Open Access PubMed surgeons with different levels of surgical experience. Clinical Ophthalmology 2020;14:3535-35402019-2020 Low APGAR Score as a risk factor for Retinopathy of Prematurity. Journal of evolution in medical and dental science. 2019;8;3772- 3774 Isolated orbital cysticercosis: cause of ptosis in cabbage eaters. International journal of case reports 2019;4:99 Ablution excercise- may prevent dacryocystitis. Tropical Journal of Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology 2019;4:45741 Optic nerve sheath diameter in glaucoma patients and its correlation with intraocular pressure published in UP Journal of Ophthalmology.2022 Dec.14;10(01):7-13 Role of atropine in progressive myopia published in UP Journal of Ophthalmology.2019 Jul.25;7(03):18-21 Electrophysiological and visual parameter changes in Retinits Pigmentosa patients undergoing autologous platelet rich plasma Google scholar Research Gate Open Access Open Access Open Access Open Access Pubmed therapy in Journal of current Ophthalmology. Case Series of Unilateral cenetral retinal artery occlusion in patients of RHINO-ORBITAL- CEREBRAL Mucormycosis occuring in post covid diabetic patients.2021;IJAR 1-3
Dr. Parul
The efficacy of toric IOL in comparison to LRI in correcting pre-existing astigmatism in phaccoemulsification-Medpulse International Journal of Ophthalmology, december 2018 Suprachoroidal Antivascular Endothelial growth factor- An innovative , patent and safe therapy for wet age related macular degerationInternational journal of medical science and current research, june 2021 Optic neuritis in post-covid rhino-orbitalcerebral mucormycosis – International Journal of case reports and Images, september 2021 “Pentoxifylline – A boon for ischemic and inflammatory neuropathies”- Indian Journal of applied research, december 2020 Effects of Valsalva Manoeuver on glaucoma patients- study of vascular hypothesis- Indian Open access PubMed Google Scholar PubMed PubMed PubMed PubMed PubMed Journal of applied research, feruary 2021 Case series of unilateral central retinal artery occlusion in patients of ROCM occurring in post-covid diabetic patients- IJAR, october2021 CSF and Blood analysis in patients of optic neuritis- IJSR, may 2023 To study the role of suprachoroidal injection Triamcinolone in non-infectious uveitis- IJSR, june 202
Dr. Namrata Pate
Retrobulbar Amphotericin B in Mucormycosis: A Ray ofHope.Del J Ophthalmol 2022;32;40-44 Csf and blood analysis in patients of optic neuritis international journal of scientific research Volume – 12 | Issue – 05 | May – 2023 .Intrastromal keratopigmentation: a boon for unsightly Corneal scars, Int Ophthalmol Https:// 02700-7 Role of intralesional bleomycin in periocular capillary hemangioma: a rare case management UP J ophthalmology Vol3 2021; Open access PubMed Open Access Open Access Open Access 23-25 Therapeutic role of curcumin, a traditional indian remedy in various ocular disorders UP J ophthalmology
Dr. Surabhi Agrawal
CSF and Blood Analysis in patients of optic Neuritis A rare case of blepharophimosis, ptosis, epicanthus inversus syndrome with antimongloid slant: case report. To assess neuroprotective role of ripasudil in mild to moderate cases of primary open angle glaucoma To study role of suprachoroidal injection Triamcinolone in Non infectious uveit
Dr. Ku. Kanchan Kiran
Case Series of Unilateral cenetral retinal artery occlusion in patients of RHINO-ORBITAL- CEREBRAL Mucormycosis occuring in post covid diabetic patients. 2021 IJAR 1
Dr. Sneha Ranjan




