GSVM Medical College

Department of Pediatrics

Faculty Members Of Pediatrics

Dr. Arun Kumar Arya

HOD & Professor

Dr. Rupa Dalmia Singh


Dr. Yashwant Kumar Rao


Dr. Shailendra Kumar Gautam


Dr. Neha Agarwal

Associate Professor

Dr. Rakhi Jain

Associate Professor

Dr. Amitesh Yadav

Associate Professor

Dr. Pratibha Singh

Associate Professor


Faculty Name

Publication in Vancouver referencing Style.

Indexing System



Dr. Arun Kumar Arya,

1-Arya AK, Chaudhary A, Midha T. Spectrum of congenital heart diseases in children (<5 years) in a tertiary care centre. Int J Contemp Pediatr 2023;10:1837-40.

International Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics | December 2023 |

2-Barriers to optimal care and strategies to promote safe and optimal management of sick young infants during the COVID-19 pandemic: A multi-country formative research study, J Glob Health 2022;12:05023



Dr. Rupa Dalmia Singh

Ø Barriers to optimal care and strategies to promote safe and optimal management of sick young infants during COVID-19 pandemic: A multi-country formative research study, J Glob Health 2022;12:05023

Ø Pulmonary Tuberculosis among severe acute malnutrition admitted in nutritional rehabilitation centers in India, A multicenter study IJP 2023



Dr. Yashwant Kumar Rao

Ø A Randomized Controlled Trial on Comparison of Clinical Outcome in Uncomplicated SAM Managed with and without Antibiotics. Indian J Pediatr (2023).

Ø The Burden of Malnutrition and Confounders Among Children Aged between 6-60 Months: A Community-Based Cross-Sectional Study in Resources Deprived Region. SSRN Electronic Journal. 10.2139/ssrn.4115471.

Ø Correlation of Ultrasonography Measurement of Inferior Vena Cava Collapsibility Index with Central Venous Pressure in Diagnosis and Management of Neonatal Shock. Iranian Journal of Neonatology. 2020 Sep: 11(3). DOI: 10.22038/ijn. 2020.44748.1743.

Ø Clinical outcome of enteral nutrition versus IV fluids in newborns on inotropes: A randomized study. J Clin Neonatal 2020;9:261-5.



Dr. Shailendra Kumar Gautam




Dr. Neha Agarwal

Ø Post Malaria neurological syndrome manifesting as new onset psychosis with generalized encephalopathy: an analysis of two cases in children Tropical Doctor 2022, Vol.52(1); 168-170.

Ø Unusual manifestations of malaria in children. International J. Contemporary Pediatrics  2021 May;8(5):910-913.



Dr. Rakhi Jain

Pancreas transplant in type 1 diabetes mellitus: the emerging role of islet cell transplant. Annals of pediatric endocrinology & metabolism. 2021 Jun;26(2):86



Dr. Amitesh Yadav

Role of sildenafil citrate therapy in early onset fetal growth restriction. JOSAF.2021 Dec13(6).392-395



Dr. Aradhana Gupta (Cont.)

Some personality traits of young adults as related to their adverse childhood experiences: A psychological study. Behavioral Research Review, (ISSN:0975-7198), vol-13, No.-1 & 2 March & Sept 2021 PP1-7



Dr. Pratibha Singh

·   Kumar N,Dayal R, Singh P, Pathak S, Pooniya V, Goyal A, Kamal R, Mohanty K.A comparative evaluation of Presepsin with Procalcitonin and CRP in diagnosing neonatal sepsis.Indian J Pediatr.2019 Feb;86(2):177-179. Indexing system: PubMed

·   Pathak S,Agarwal D, Singh P, Pathak M, Narayan S.Late onset neonatal sepsis:Overview of risk factors and bacterial etiology in a tertiary care hospital in North India.J Mahatma Gandhi Inst.Med Sci 2018;23:69-72. Indexing system: DOAJ





