GSVM Medical College

Department of Pharmacology

Faculty Members Of Pharmacology

Dr. Virendra Kushwaha

Professor & Head

Dr. Pooja Agrawal


Dr. Himanshu Sharma

Assistant Professor

Dr. Pushpendra Pushkar

Assistant Professor

Dr pragya jain

Assistant Professor

Mission Statement of the department

  • Acquiring new knowledge in pharmacology and related basic sciences.
  • Creation of knowledge related to drugs by conducting research.
  • Rational Prescription of drug -right drug to right patient in right dose in a cost-effective manner
  • Transmission of knowledge to medical students in a manner to make them Indian Medical Graduate.
  • Adverse Drug Reaction Monitoring and reporting- to aware the patient and general public about Adverse Drug Reaction reporting—where and how.


  • Pharmacoeconomic study of prophylactic antibiotics use in the prevention of surgical site infection in the surgery department of GSVM Medical College, Kanpur
  • To study the effectiveness and safety of different analgesic drugs for labour analgesia in obstetrics and gynaecology department of a tertiary care hospital
  • Evaluation of drug utilisation, prescribing pattern and safety of different corticosteroid in post graduate department of medicine, GSVM Medical College, Kanpur
  • Study of prescription pattern and pharmacoeconomic evaluation of antiepileptic drugs used in neuro medicine department in GSVM Medical College, Kanpur: A tertiary care hospital
  • Study of drug utilization pattern, adherence, efficacy and safety of different drugs used in alcohol-related chronic liver disease in GSVM Medical college: A tertiary care hospital
  • A comparative study on safety, efficacy and pharmacotherapeutic adherence of Desvenlafaxine versus Escitalopram in Depression in a tertiary care teaching hospital in Kanpur
  • Analysis of drug utilisation trends and adverse drug reaction profile of prescribed drugs with more emphasis on corticosteroids in ENT department of a tertiary care teaching hospital
  • Evaluation of drug utilization pattern and adverse drug reaction profile of drugs prescribed during pre-anaesthetic medications in a tertiary care teaching hospital
  • Study of antimicrobial prophylaxis prescription pattern and associated adverse drug reactions profile among patients undergoing caesarean section in obstetrics and gynaecology department of a tertiary care teaching hospital
  • Efficacy of citicoline and corticosteroid versus corticosteroid alone in the treatment of recent onset nerve function impairment in new leprosy patients: A randomized controlled trial -Under Process

CME / WORKSHOPS organized

Topic: Antimicrobial Stewardship Programme




